Chill Music On the Beach #8: The Ogre Concert

Client: Chill 98 FM
Agency: A-Time Media Co.,Ltd.
Live Concert on April 2014


Poster, Ticket, Web banner, Billboard ad, Concert backdrop,
Signage, Way finding, Badge, Apparel, Print and Digital advertising


Art DIrection: Purich Ongsri
Concept and Copy writing: Visitth Cheewaphatthananuwong
Design: Tara Pairoj-Boriboon

My Role:

Design Research
Print Design
Environmental Design

The concept is developed from the Thai phrase “ยักษ์เล็กไล่ยักษ์ใหญ่,” or in English “Small Giants Chasing Big Giants.” From its original phrase, it should be in the other way around. Thai Giant is a famous character in a Thai traditional myth. It i…

This Giant figure is known in Buddhist mythology, they are guardian warriors who keep away evil spirits and can be seen at many temples in Thailand. The concept has been developed from the Thai“ยักษ์ใหญ่ไล่ยักษ์เล็ก (Big Giant Chasing Small Giant)” which refers to a group of powerful people who has controlled over others.

In this project, we brought two groups of artists; first is a group of legends who have been successful for decades and the second is a group of rising young artists. For this reason, we switched roles of the phrase to the other way around (Small Giant Chasing Big Giant) as the purpose of this concert is not only to entertain fans but to also introduce a new group of young artists who are rising as much as the legends.

The design has developed from Thai Art that is often recognized from the walls inside the temples as well as textiles, cultural clothes, and even the design of the Giant figure itself.